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<m-body bgcolor="#1A1D29" font-family="Arial, sans-serif" color="#ffffff"> <m-head preheader="let us know what you like or DONT LIKE about our horoscope project"></m-head> <m-padding size="15"></m-padding> <m-wrap width="600" align="center" background-image="" border-radius="15px"> <m-padding size="20"></m-padding> <m-wrap width="560" align="left" padding="0px 15px"> <m-img src="" alt="EverydayHorpscope" width="199" height="41"></m-img> </m-wrap> <m-padding size="20"></m-padding> <m-wrap width="500" height="160" align="center" padding="0px 15px"> <div data-amp-hidden="confirmed"> <m-text font-size="32px" bold> Get personalized horoscopes to feel better — confirm now </m-text> <m-padding size="30"></m-padding> <m-button m-if="!isAmp" bgcolor="#C259F2" width="280" height="50" border-radius="5px" font-size="20px" bold>Confirm email</m-button> <m-form action="" on="submit-success: AMP.setState({ confirmed: 1 })"> <m-button m-if="isAmp" bgcolor="#C259F2" width="280" height="50" border-radius="5px" font-size="20px" bold>Confirm email</m-button> <input type="hidden" name="link" value="*[confirm_link]*" /> </m-form> </div> <div m-if="isAmp" hidden data-amp-hidden="!confirmed"> <m-text font-size="32px" bold> Thank you for joining us! </m-text> <m-padding size="20"></m-padding> <m-text font-size="16px"> You have successfully confirmed your subscription to EverydayHoroscopes! </m-text> </div> </m-wrap> <m-padding size="20"></m-padding> </m-wrap> <m-padding size="20"></m-padding> <m-wrap width="600" align="left" bgcolor="#222536" padding="20px 20px 0 20px" border-radius="15px"> <div data-amp-hidden="confirmed"> <m-text font-size="16px" line-height="22px"> Life is getting crazier for all of us every day, and it may be hard to stay sane. You’re probably anxious, scared, and even depressed. </m-text> <m-padding size="15"></m-padding> <m-text font-size="16px" line-height="22px"> There may be issues in your career, love life, everyday life… and you don’t know where to ask for help. </m-text> <m-padding size="15"></m-padding> <m-text font-size="16px" line-height="22px"> With EverydayHoroscopes, you can receive detailed predictions that will make you feel at least a bit better, give you some tips, and relieve your anxiety. To get started, just confirm your email! </m-text> <m-padding size="20"></m-padding> <m-wrap align="center"> <m-button m-if="!isAmp" bgcolor="#C259F2" width="280" height="50" border-radius="5px" font-size="20px" bold>Confirm email</m-button> <m-form action="" on="submit-success: AMP.setState({ confirmed: 1 })"> <m-button m-if="isAmp" bgcolor="#C259F2" width="280" height="50" border-radius="5px" font-size="20px" bold>Confirm email</m-button> <input type="hidden" name="link" value="*[confirm_link]*" /> </m-form> </m-wrap> <m-padding size="20"></m-padding> </div> <div m-if="isAmp" hidden data-amp-hidden="!confirmed"> <m-wrap align="center"> <m-wrap align="center" width="520"> <m-text font-size="30px" bold> Improve your life with quick text horoscopes </m-text> <m-padding size="20"></m-padding> <m-text font-size="16px" line-height="22px" data-amp-hidden="setphone"> Just enter your phone to get texts with predictions that will relieve your anxiety & help you rebuild your relationship! </m-text> <m-padding size="30"></m-padding> <m-boxes> <m-box width="260"> <m-style> .input_wrap{ width:100%; overflow: hidden; background: #FFFFFF; display: flex; border-radius: 5px; margin-bottom: 20px; } .input_wrap span{ background: #8F909B; width: 50px; height: 50px; text-align:center; font-weight: bold; font-size: 16px; line-height: 50px; } .input_wrap input{ box-sizing: border-box; width: 100%; border: 0px none; padding: 10px 12px; height: 50px; font-size: 16px; } </m-style> <m-form action="" on="submit-success: AMP.setState({ setphone: 1 })" data-amp-hidden="setphone"> <div class="input_wrap"> <span>+1</span> <input type="text" required name="phone"> </div> <m-button bgcolor="#C259F2" height="50" border-radius="5px" font-size="20px" bold>Get text Predictions</m-button> <m-padding size="25"></m-padding> <m-text href="#" text-decoration="underline" color="#C561FD" font-size="14px">See your horoscope</m-text> <input type="hidden" name="email" value="*[email]*"> </m-form> <m-wrap align="left" hidden data-amp-hidden="!setphone"> <m-text color="#29B6EB" font-size="16px">Thank you!<br /> You have successfully signed up. Now, you can receive your predictions via text.</m-text> <m-padding size="25"></m-padding> <m-button href="#" bgcolor="#C259F2" height="50" border-radius="5px" font-size="20px" bold>See Your Horoscope</m-button> </m-wrap> <m-padding size="25"></m-padding> </m-box> <m-box width="260" align="right"> <m-img src="" width="250" height="221"></m-img> </m-box> </m-boxes> </m-wrap> </m-wrap> </div> </m-wrap> <m-padding size="20"></m-padding> <m-wrap width="600" align="center" bgcolor="#222536" padding="20px" border-radius="15px"> <m-padding size="20"></m-padding> <m-wrap width="570" align="left" padding="0px 15px"> <m-text font-size="18px" line-height="30px"> Astrologically Yours,<br /> EverydayHoroscopes Team </m-text> <m-padding size="15"></m-padding> <m-text font-size="12px" color="#5D6178">You received this email because you had subscribed to EverydayHoroscopes newsletter.</m-text> <m-padding size="6"></m-padding> <m-text font-size="12px" color="#5D6178">If you don’t want to receive emails from us in the future, click to <a href="#" target="_blank" style="color:#C561FD;text-decoration: underline">unsubscribe</a>.</m-text> <m-padding size="6"></m-padding> <m-text font-size="12px" color="#5D6178">If you have any questions, please contact us <a href="#" target="_blank" style="color:#C561FD;text-decoration: underline">here</a>.</m-text> <m-padding size="18"></m-padding> <m-text font-size="12px" color="#5D6178">EverydayHoroscopes, 207 E Ohio, # 158 Chicago, IL 60611</m-text> </m-wrap> <m-padding size="20"></m-padding> </m-wrap> <m-padding size="20"></m-padding> </m-body>